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Learn how to display all assets owned by an address or a domain name

Choose an address or a domain name

To display all assets owned by you or someone else you have two options :

1. Find a public address

Every person interacting on-chain has what we call a "public address", it is used to receive assets and is always visible for all transactions made by that person/entity.

We use this address to look for everything on-chain that belongs to it.

Here is an example of a public address on Solana (it belongs to SonarWatch) : DemoSX9F2zXfQLtBr56Yr5he15P7viZWsYJpSDAX3tKG

It is sometime complicated to play with public addresses therefore some protocols came up with a better solution.

2. Use a public domain name

In web3, to avoid using those complex set of letters and numbers, some entity have created a decentralized name service that allows anyone to link a name like this : sonarwatch.sol to an address like this DemoSX9F2zXfQLtBr56Yr5he15P7viZWsYJpSDAX3tKG and this is much more convenient because it can be memorized pretty easily.

You can explore some Name Services that we use (do your own research before interacting with those protocols) :

Use it the search field

Now that you have either an address or a domain name, you can put it inside the search field on the homepage

Or on the search field at the top right section of the platform :

After hiting "Enter" you should see all assets held by the address.

Explore the address holdings

You should now see an aggregation of every assets owned by the address, with different type of assets, sorted by value.

You can see a Tokens section and a Native Stake section, each section has a total value and some assets inside it.

You can also click on the NFT tab and see all collectibles owned by the address.

Last updated